The Cockatiel Club | New Bar Launch Review
If you are familiar with the London food scene you will have most probably heard of ‘Hello Darling’, which could very easily be the most Instagramable restaurant in Waterloo. You’ve also probably heard of the Darling House, hidden just above the restaurant; the house party style bar with its own library, lounge, kitchen and bathtub, all there to help you live out those lavish house party dreams you probably can’t afford to make a reality, where suddenly drinking in a bathtub is the best thing to have happened you all week, as opposed to any other time you drink in your bathtub.

Adding to the theme and name of the venue are the cocktails, with unique pieces such as The Phoenix, boasting a combination of Amaretto, whiskey and brandy with chocolate and burnt orange bitters, and The Blue Macau with a lovely mixture of Aviation Gin, Maraschino, Lemon Juice, Creme de Violette and Krupnik, among many others. If you don’t feel like cocktails, well, champagne on ice is also an option!