The Five Points Brewing Company is giving away free beer for one night only! TONIGHT!
The Five Points Brewing Co, an independent craft brewery in the heart of Hackney, is hosting a charity event at The Pembury Tavern on Tuesday 11th December, inviting guests to trade their unwanted clothes for a beer, in aid of Hackney Winter Night Shelter.
And as the old saying goes… “with great beer, goes great pizza” Five Points will also be adding a limited edition festive turkey meatball pizza to its menu for the month of December, with 50p of all proceeds going to the charity. Plus no charity event is complete without charity r

Since Five Points began in 2013, part of the company’s ethos has always been to contribute to both the local and wider community around them. This year, they launched an annual charity partnership scheme, which has seen them partner with two local charities to support their fundraising efforts throughout the year – one of which is the Hackney Winter Night Shelter.
For seven nights a week across six months of the year, the Hackney Winter Night Shelter (HWNS) provides a hot meal and a warm bed for homeless guests who would otherwise be out on the street. Running from November until March during the coldest winter months, the shelter provides a lifeline for the homeless of Hackney, offering professional and holistic support to help guests rebuild their lives.
As we come towards the coldest part of the year, Five Points will be holding a charity event on Wednesday 11th December, to help Hackney Winter Night Shelter continue to provide warmth, food and clothing for their homeless guests. For every person that brings an item of clothing, such as a coat, jacket, jumper or even a rucksack, in return, they’ll receive a free pint of Five Points finest craft beer. For items such as socks (and make sure it’s a pair) or a T-Shirt, they’ll receive half a pint. Which seems more than fair.
To raise additional funds for the charity, Five Points charity raffle is offering up prizes such as a Five Points Brewery Tour, a £100 bar tab at the Pembury Tavern, free pizza and free beer amongst others. Oh and if you decide that one beer isn’t enough, 50p from every beer bought on the event night will also be donated to the charity.