Is this the accidental birth of the Pub Blogging Crawl or #Publog (Working Title)

Is this the accidental birth of the Pub Blogging Crawl or #Publog (Working Title)

With Christmas and New Year firmly out of the way and our day jobs settling back into a routine, Mylen LDN Life’s still newish Food and Drinks Editor and I decided it was about time we met up for our 1st editorial meeting of the year.

So with it being a Wednesday, beer was an obvious requirement and thankfully we’d already decided that Clapham Junction was the best location, we just needed a location for our meeting. Mylen got the venue choices down to 3 and in truth I had no real preference, so I did what any procrastinating Blogger would do, leave it in the hands of Twitter, after all what’s the worst that could happen?

So the stage was set, this was bound to help us make an informed choice…… until the 1st tweet came back  

Good question and a very fair point, but we waited to see what anyone else said, however the next tweet was even less useful, this was suppose to be a meeting not a Pub Crawl

But wait…… A Publog Crawl, Northcote Records might be on to something here. A Pub Crawl for Bloggers, who also Blog at the same time. Just imagine the Blogs after Pub 5.

We also helped Brewdog to (possibly) create a new Beer, thank’s to a follower and fellow Bloggers auto correct feature on his phone, anyone for a pint of Voodooism?

Brewdog seemed to agree and now all 3 had replied,wecouldn’t not go to them all now could we??  The picking A venue idea had well and truly failed.

But we were having fun and we’d also learnt something very important!! Brewdog actually has someone with the job title of Beer Pirate and we wanted become beer pirates too, sadly Martin has yet to respond to our obviously very serious question, but we remain hopeful.

We were also well aware we were leaving out a lot of other pubs in the area, including The Duck which we’d only just been to the night before and reviewed

 and they liked our review so much they said….

We were obviously very glad they liked our review, but sorry Clare anytime would not and could not be this time. Maybe next time….. But the Publog idea was actually happening

For those who know the area well, it is obvious we hadn’t thought this route through, but we didn’t mind

Apart from the rather lovely beer and generally being impressed with the Powder Keg’s decor and atmosphere, we also got to meet with Anthony from The Grape Club to discuss his new wine business. After that we were visited by a magician, who was pretty good. Mylen chose Pingu as her 5 letter word and he somehow got that right! Mylen what were you thinking?

At this point we’d had about 2 minutes of an editorial meeting, but I had found the first know image of a Hispter in the mens toilets also known as 0BH (Before Hipster) and tried and failed to make him look like he was taking a selfie.


It was now time for Pub 2, Brew Dog on Battersea Rise, but Powder Keg may have got slightly over competitive

Cue thoughts of the fight scene from Anchorman

Brewdog was pretty quiet when we arrived but it did give us time to chat with Jade, who in formed us about loads of things they do that we should have made notes on. Things like beer tasting nights and a home brew club that meets on a Sunday once a month, Look at their website. We also not surprisingly had a lovely couple of beers from this list, our favourite being the Great Divide Titan IPA. 20150121_203218_HDR  

Finally we made our way to Northcote Records, the creator of the Publog idea. There was a band playing, meeting abandoned, but we still had a great time. A 1 hour meeting had turned into 4 and we can’t remember what our Favourite Beer was, no idea at all.

So the idea of the Publog was born and the ‘dry’ run was successful. All we need to do now is to see if fellow London Bloggers would like to meet up once a month on maybe a quiet week night and Drink (responsibly) Blog / Network our way around an area of London. If it sounds like a good plan, drop us a tweet, share this post and/or fill out the form below. Likewise if you’d like us to visit your Pub/bar.
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About Author

Adam (Editor)

Editor of this fine Blog and not surprisingly I love living in and blogging about London