#TwitterTuesday 10 #London Tweets from the last week

#TwitterTuesday 10 #London Tweets from the last week

We’ve compiled 10 tweets from the last week you might care about or possibly find interesting. This is our first week looking at tweets from the last week, so if you think we should feature a tweet, mention us @LDNLife or use #LDNLife, it will make our lives a lot easier 🙂

1) Tom Cruise is in London and thankfully not to open another Church, he’s here on another assignment with Simon Pegg. MI:5, hmmmm I think I’m working the plot out already.

2) It’s hard to disagree with Matty Rodgers, The Duck and Waffle, probably one of the hardest place in London to not say ‘What a View’

3) This is the most comprehensive list of places to go for Breakfast I have EVER seen for London. Hurry if you start now you might be done by 2016.

4) But let’s not forget Brunch or Vegan’s, thankfully Angelica has got that covered.

5) On In London have got slightly over excited at the thought of Comic Con this March…

6) Uncle John’s Bakery are doing their bit to connect with ‘real’ London issues. Though something tells us they were probably at work about 5am.

7) Not Content with a Garden bridge over the Thames, it looks like we might get a swimming pool as well. All I know is I want some of what these architects are having.

8) Tube late, swashed, angry, just a normal day in London, wait it’s POLAR BEAR!!!!!! Oh wait it was a marketing stunt, carry on.

9) You’ve got to feel sorry for Louise, her bag doesn’t want to come home yet! Proof not everyone or thing loves London. 🙁

10) Got a spare £900,000 for a one bedroom flat is Shoreditch? Silly question, still it looks nice I guess and you’ll save on going to the cinema. 

About Author

Adam (Editor)

Editor of this fine Blog and not surprisingly I love living in and blogging about London