Vegan Nights Review – Vegan food hits new heights yet again!
One of my favourite things about London is its ability to cater to almost any taste imaginable and many more besides.
Vegan food is one of those things that has had a good following for years, but the choice was limited and felt like an underground movement, partly because people seemed to focus on animal welfare and a feeling you had to go all in.
The world and the perception of vegan food has shifted, sure many of the reasons haven’t changed, but now I feel like it is far more accessible to people who want to eat less meat and be healthier.
Of course, none of this would be possible if the food was terrible, but I’m glad to say from my experience of Vegan Nights and other recent vegan food experiences that it is anything but. Plus the food might be plant-based, but I don’t remember seeing a ‘salad’ anywhere.
Vegan Nights felt as accessible as any other food event I’ve been too, if not more so and while the April weather wasn’t anywhere as good as we would normally expect at this time of year, it didn’t dampen our spirits. Many of the people I spoke to had been to at least a couple and felt like this one was the biggest and possibly the best yet.
For me, the revolution and rise of vegan food isn’t a passing trend, it’s very much here to stay and Vegan Nights can take its place in the London food scene history books with pride.
I’m not going to turn vegan anytime soon, but my ‘reliance’ on meat products is the lowest it has ever been. Yes, it’s better for the environment, yes it’s better for animals and yes it’s better for you, but most of all it tastes damn good!
The food choice, the atmosphere and the music was spot on. I was proud to be a Londoner surrounded by many of the reasons I started to write this blog in the first place.
However, Vegan Nights if you’re reading this, I have one request. You did a great job of everything apart from the beer and cider selection. It was okay, but the choice was fairly generic, and an area I’d hoped to be introduced to new and exciting brands and flavours.
Feel free to flick through my favourite pictures of the night and see the review scores below. The next Vegan Nights is 3rd May and more info and tickets are available here