London Life UK gets Highly Commended

London Life UK gets Highly Commended

The UK Blog Awards had been a long time coming, so much so I pushed it to the back of my mind. But after a well deserved holiday in the Lake District over easter it was suddenly here.

London Life UK was set up nearly 11 months ago and back then I had no idea where it would take me. It was just an overly ambitious Blog to do in my spare time. I certainly didn’t think it would involve walking down a red carpet at the swanky Grange hotel, just a stones throw from St Paul’s, though I wasn’t complaining of course.


Up until this point I hadn’t been nervous at all, I didn’t honestly think we’d win, especially after looking at the competition. My tip for the winner was Yorkshire Pudd, so I was just there for the ride so to speak.

Stupidly when the Blog was shortlisted for the Food & Drink Organisations category I decided that this was something I needed to do alone, it was some “I started it myself and this is something I need to do myself” spiritual journey thing. But within minutes of getting there I was like “oh shit what was I thinking”. Thankfully that feeling subsided after offering to be an unofficial photographer for the hordes of bloggers wanting a picture by the Blog awards wall. A special mention to Emma and her friend from High Commended Dear Thirty, who thanks to my expertish camera skills nailed the vintage look. Oh and the 2nd glass of champagne probably helped, I even got in on the action. (This was the best of a bad bunch)


So the stage was set, my nerves were in need of another glass of champagne and twitter was hotting up. Who won the other categories I couldn’t tell you, it was all a bit of a blur. Though thanks to the amazing name I did remember the Fairy Blog Mother winning the best tech blog.

So it was our turn, we were up against 9 other fantastic blogs, each name was read out in what seemed to take an eternity, what are the odds? Surely we couldn’t win it, or could we? I’d already clocked my biggest threat sat just in front of me, or at least I thought it was. What happened to this chilled out person who was just going along for the ride? Seconds but seemed like hours later the London Life UK logo flash up on screen next to Yorkshire Pudd,  we’d been High Commended!! Wait what? I’d convinced myself that I wasn’t going to win but I’d not even considered being highly commended. Oh my days, must take a photo, should really cheer for myself, in the excitement I heard a cheer from the guy in front who was from Yorkshire Pudd. I jumped over to him and congratulated him. Ironically he thought London Life UK were going to win it, we shared a laugh and promised to buy each other a drink afterwards (which we did and then some.) in all the excitement I also knocked my drink over so I didn’t even really notice who’d won, but I didn’t care, I already felt like a winner. Speaking of the winners, the winner was ‘the Real Argentina’


The rest of the awards ceremony seemed to go by in a flash, before I knew it I was sipping a Gin and tonic chatting with the Mayor of Camden,  then someone from the Huffington Post, eBay, the BBC and countless others.

Though it was the guys from Yorkshire Pudd, my new high commended blogging buddies that I spent most of the evening with. (cue drunken selfie)


So all that was left to do was pick up my goodie bag, a roll of wallpaper (don’t ask) and my certificate, as it was nearly time for one of my least favourite parts of London Life, the last tube.

The UK Blog Awards was a fantastic achievement by Gemma and Becki who organised the whole thing. The level of entries was fantastic across all the categories and i can only see it going from strength to strength. Which means we are going to have to up our game for next year! (Gulp)

Finally while I said this was something I needed to do myself, London Life UK wouldn’t be anywhere without the lovely people who have blogged for the site and helped with the technical bits and bobs. So this Highly Commended is for you and next year you’ll all be invited, though you’ll have to pay for yourselves šŸ˜‰

If you want to write for us about London Life get in touch, just email me at:

Oh and check out, it’s an awesome Blog šŸ™‚


About Author

Adam (Editor)

Editor of this fine Blog and not surprisingly I love living in and blogging about London