Wheatsheaf Pub in Tooting under threat of closure – Sign the Petition
A couple of weeks after Time Out announced that Dirty Burger would soon be opening and referred to Tooting as the ‘New Shoreditch’ , we find out that The Wheatsheaf, one of Tooting’s best loved Pubs is at threat of closure.
The rumours currently circulating suggest that Tesco a Supermarket chain are at the heart of this potential loss, outbidding the current tenants at every turn and as a result the pub is now on a 24 hour notice period. Update: Sadiq Khan local MP has gain assurances from Tesco that they are not planning to take over the pub, however he states “the campaign doesn’t stop here. The next task is to make sure no other supermarket retailer is allowed to turn the Wheatsheaf into a supermarket or shop” you can read the latest on his blog
A petition has been started on 38 degrees and at the time of writing has over 4,000 signatures, but they need your help to raise that much further. Not only will the Wheatsheaf close for good, but the local shops that have been there for years will be badly affected.
Wandsworth Common saw a Deli and a wine shop close only a few short months after Sainsbury’s local opened, though arguably there was an actual need for one there. However in Tooting, the landscape is much different, there are two Tesco’s in very close proximity to the Wheatshef, not to mention several Lidl’s nearby and three large Sainsbury’s in Balham, Tooting and Collars Wood. So it is fair to say that Tooting, especially with its diverse, busy high street and markets does not need another another supermarket regardless of its size.
So while this might be a rumour, it has obviously come from somewhere and we shouldn’t sit by and see what happens, by then it could be too late. Areas thrive on individuality, not conformity. Yes Tesco’s and the like have their place, but this is not it and if this is what it means to be the ‘New Shoreditch’ we are not interested.
If you agree with us or if you are simply sick and tired of the big supermarkets taking over yet more of our high streets please sign the petition here.
For those who are interested, there is also a ‘Save the Wheatsheaf‘ planning meeting on 30th July.