LDN Life

Table for 10 – Supper club – Interview

With Table for 10 set for another amazing Supperclub this weekend, we caught up with MJ and Damon to find out what all the fuss is about.

What is your supper club?

Damon: We run a Vietnamese supper club in Whitechapel. We do the classic, authentic  Vietnamese dishes as my mum would make it at home like spicy beef noodles or the ubiquitous pho.  And we also do dishes with modern twists – for example our steak tartare is an updated take on both the French and Vietnamese style of the dish.  It’s won over a lot of diners who were initially hesitant on raw beef.  Oh and our cocktails are pretty awesome sauce.  Alcohol is my first love!

Why did you decide to set it up?

MJ: A year ago Damon was made unemployed and he’s always wanted to open a restaurant.  We didn’t have enough confidence or experience to open a restaurant so decided to do a supper club to try out the product.  We’ve loved the experience and even though both of us are working now, we want to continue refining the product until we can make Damon’s dreams come true.

What makes your pop up so special/unique?
fried chicken 3

Damon:  The ambiance at Table for 10 is special.  We’ve had fantastic feedback that it feels more like a dinner party where the guests stay way into the night rather than a place you eat, pay, and leave.  And of course, the Vietnamese food is great and cocktails are strong 😉  Oh and we have monkeys in the bathroom (not really).

What is your favourite memory so far?
Damon: Lots of great memories but one of the ones that stand out was our charity supper club last year for Action Against Hunger.  One of the guests who was very (very) fit was ‘encouraged’ to strip down for charity.  And the same night MJ was forcibly stripped by another guest for money (again all for charity).  I think everyone had a blast that night, especially MJ.

What is your signature/favourite dish and drink etc?
Damon: Our smoked trout on betel leaf and duck ramen are a crowd favourite.  Drinks-wise our Whitechapel ‘teas’ and twisted toddies will get you drunk before you know it.

Why should we come and visit you?

Damon:  MJ is really really good looking and he’ll take his clothes off for money as 
we’ve seen already.  Plus you’ll be in for a treat – many of the dishes we do, you won’t find in other Vietnamese restaurants in London and the ones you can find, we go the extra mile and you’ll be able to taste the difference.

Aside from yourselves what are you favourite supper clubs?
MJ:  We’ve enjoyed all the supper clubs we’ve been to but in particular we really like Darjeeling Express.  The food is good, home-style cooking and the portions are generous!  Asma’s biryani definitely lives up to its amazing reputation.

And finally what exciting events, news etc. have you got coming up?
MJ: Our next date is October 19th.  You can book join the waiting list tickets on Edible Experience

You can visit their website for more info,
  find them on Twitter and/or Facebook.
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