London’s China town to move to Croydon and be replaced by a 2,000 seater Pizza Express and Angus Steakhouse

London’s China town to move to Croydon and be replaced by a 2,000 seater Pizza Express and Angus Steakhouse

After recent reports in the Evening Standard about rent rises in China town that will cause businesses to close and may lead to China town disappearing within five years. LDN Life has learnt that there are plans afoot with China Town to move, gates included to Croydon where rents are far more normal, in a deal being brokered with Pizza Express and Angus Steakhouse. Once the proposed move goes through, Pizza Express and Angus Steakhouse will run in parallel from Leicester Square all the way up to Tottenham Court Road, becoming the first two restaurants that can be quicker to get to the salad bar by tube rather than walking.  As for China

Once the proposed move goes through, Pizza Express and Angus Steakhouse will run in parallel from Leicester Square all the way up to Tottenham Court Road, becoming the first two restaurants that can be quicker to get to the salad bar by tube rather than walking.  As for China Town the current rumour suggests that they will likely move to the old BT building and become the world’s first multi-level undercover China Town.

A spokesperson for Pizza Express, who not surprisingly doesn’t want to be named; told LDN Life that the Big bosses were upset that there were only 7 of their restaurants within a short walking distance of Leicester Square and that they could do more. In short they felt they were letting their posher pizza-loving customers down, especially those who love the middle cut out and replaced with a mountain of salad leaves. Angus steak house felt they were in a similar position, as they felt they weren’t able to trap enough unwitting tourists with the promise of steaky goodness.

Our sources also tell us that they also looked at using Uber to ferry upset customers hundreds of yards, so they could indulge in their middle-class pizza loveliness without fear of walking through London’s busy streets, but a deal could not be agreed.

They apparently also looked at using AirBnB to quickly increase capacity at peak times, but local residents weren’t particularly happy with the idea of their entire kitchens been taken up with a pizza oven and their bedrooms turned into seating areas.

Let’s hope that none of this happens, but if it does it looks like Croydon will be the place to go.

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Adam (Editor)

Editor of this fine Blog and not surprisingly I love living in and blogging about London