LDN Life

Welcome To Night Vale – All Hail Live Show Review

“Welcome to Night Vale regularly delivers a mix of pitch-black humor and deadpan chills.” – The Los Angeles Times

Welcome to Night Vale is one of the most downloaded podcasts in the world. It’s a community radio show set in the fictional desert town of Night Vale. A town where all conspiracy theories are real. Their new live show All Hail, featuring the mysterious Glow Cloud was at the Victoria Apollo on October 1st. Following their sold-out tour Ghost Stories from last year and preceding the release of their new novel It Devours!, out October 17th.

I loved the Welcome to Night Vale show I saw in 2015 and I’ve been looking forward to this show since about April when I heard about it. Having not listened to the podcast much lately I was a bit worried I would be out of my depth and not keeping up with the show. But as promised it was clearly a show you could watch even if you’d never heard of the town of Night Vale before.

“Hypnotic and darkly funny.” – The Guardian

They started with music from Erin Mckeown who I really enjoyed and she even got the audience to sing along with one of her songs.

I liked that during the show they brought on stage some of the familiar characters from the podcast and even one of the shows creators playing one of the characters.

The spooky atmosphere was supported by the fact that they had live music from Disparition during the show and the fact that they were on Wicked’s usual stage, there was still a dragon overhanging the stage. As is the way with Night Vale lots of fans were dressed up as characters from the show which adds always adds more fun to the evening.

Although I won’t talk too much about the narrative to avoid spoilers, it was really fun and great that they used a fan favourite from the podcast, the Glow Cloud. One of the things I loved was that it somehow managed to be all things at once; light, funny, dark and spooky.

Overall I had a great time and I’m looking forward to listening to more Welcome To Night Vale on the podcast.


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