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Top 50 signs of being a ‘foodie’ revealed

Taster, the delivery-only restaurant group, has explored the UK’s relationship with food to uncover the top 50 signs of what actually makes someone a ‘foodie’.

Travelling to another country or city purely for the cuisine, regularly frequenting street food markets and spending the majority of your paycheck on food were all identified as top ‘foodie’ indicators. Eating other people’s leftovers also made it into the top 50.

Of those polled, the majority said they felt a positive connection to food – with three quarters saying they simply ‘love’ food. But almost two fifths claimed to have the true characteristics of a ‘foodie’ (38 per cent).

Regionally, Londoners are most likely to self-identify as ‘foodies’ compared to other areas. Londoners also believe more strongly than others up and down the country that social plans should always revolve around food (29 per cent compared to the national average of 17 per cent).

During the typical month, British adults spend an average of £70.36 dining out at restaurants and cafes, £57.61 on takeaways and £56.05 buying food at markets and street food stalls. Londoners spend more than any other region, including £96.19 on eating out and £82.60 on takeaways.

The study of 2,000 adults was commissioned by Taster, the restaurant group founded in 2017 by former Deliveroo executive Anton Soulier. Taster has created a portfolio of delivery-only brands such as Out Fry, Mission Saigon and A Burgers which have been inspired by street food. Taster’s brands are available through delivery platforms like Deliveroo, UberEats and Just Eat

Taster’s research also found the top signs of being a food fanatic include importing ingredients from outside the UK, knowing different cuts of meat and having eaten at a Michelin starred restaurant.

The study also found three in five relate certain foods or meals to memories, including holidays (51 per cent), their parents (50 per cent) and school years (34 per cent).

Anton Soulier, Founder and CEO of Taster, said: “The first time I really fell in love with street food was when I travelled to Vietnam in 2008. I became obsessed with Phở and it led me to discover new flavours. This trip was also around the same time I started dreaming of creating a food business, so it was a great inspiration!

“It’s clear that being a ‘foodie’ isn’t one size fits all – and it’s interesting to see this research uncovering all the things that make us all so passionate about food and the memories food can evoke.

“The past few years have transformed the nation’s relationship with food and takeaway deliveries. We want to celebrate quality cooking, great taste and adventurous ingredients, as well as encourage the nation to try dishes and cuisines they may not have even heard of.

“And why just pick one cuisine when you have the ability to try as many as you want, street food style, delivered to your door?”

Of those surveyed, almost three quarters believe it’s important to try different foods from various cuisines in order to expand their palate (55 per cent), make meals more exciting (50 per cent) and learn different cooking techniques (34 per cent).

In the UK, Taster is currently live across London, Manchester and Brighton with plans to expand nationwide in 2022. Visit for more information.


Visiting another city or country purely for the food

Cooking from scratch whenever possible

Being adventurous in the kitchen

Knowing what different cooking terms mean e.g. folding, searing, braising etc

Not being afraid to try something new

Having kitchen cupboards full of ingredients e.g. sauces and spices

Visiting food events in your city e.g. a beer festival or pop up market

Trying new dishes each time you eat out

Knowing where cuts of meat come from

Knowing all the food hotspots in your hometown

Knowing how to bake/cook something without a recipe

Regularly watching food/cooking shows on TV

Regularly visiting street food markets

Being open to trying different types of street food

Spending any free time cooking or baking

Eating at a Michelin star restaurant

Owning lots of cookbooks

Hosting/inviting people around for food regularly

Weekend plans revolving around food

Being the person people ask for cooking tips or recipes

There’s not a food you won’t try

Understanding every word on a menu

Importing foods / ingredients which aren’t sold in the UK

Shopping at independent food shops for ingredients

Following food influencers / chefs on social media

Reading food blogs

Prioritising spending money on food over other things

Knowing how to pronounce exotic ingredients

Getting excited by mealtimes

Having your own social media page dedicated to food

Owning top of the range cooking equipment

Taken cookery / baking classes

Regularly posting photos of your food on social media

Planning all social events around food

Owning every type of kitchen utensil

Eating a different cuisine each day of the week

Supporting independent food brands/restaurants

Owning a fancy set of chopping knives

Dining out at least once a week

Comfortable dining out alone

Always thinking about the next meal

Knowing restaurants / takeaway owners by first name

Knowing the names of TV chefs

Spending the majority of your pay cheque on food

Following Instagram cook-along lives

Planning meals ahead of time

Knowing all the best local takeaways

Knowing how to use chopsticks

Being the designated birthday cake baker in your family

Eating other people’s leftovers

Taster asked respondents for their favourite food-related memories…

‘Lobby’ as it’s known locally in North Staffordshire or simply stew. My mother made this dish usually every Monday to perfection.

A fish meal that we had on a holiday to Hawaii

Apple Charlotte dessert at school over 60 years ago. I’ve never managed to create the same taste when I’ve made it.

Catching red snapper in the Gulf of Mexico in Florida – taking it back to where we were staying and cooking it. This was in 1974 and it still evokes happy memories!

Chocolate crunch with pink custard in primary school. It tasted so good and brings back memories of the dinner ladies. They were like second mothers to us.

Fish and chips with mushy peas remind me of visiting my grandparents on the Isle of Man while sitting at the beach.

Grandmother used to make ‘Scouse’. Always tasted delicious and we couldn’t wait to see her and eat it.

Picking samphire on the marshes as a child, and my mother boiling and pickling it. Delicious!

The lobster baps on the beach from Cafe Mor on Freshwater West beach in Pembrokeshire. I need to go there at least once every year.

The most tender Filet Mignon at Prime restaurant in Las Vegas, overlooking the Bellagio fountains

Brown rice with lamb curry reminds me of family meals with all my family on special occasions such as birthdays and Eid

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