LDN Life

Terry O’Neill – Little Black Gallery Exhibition

We were lucky enough to be invited to an exclusive evening with one with one of the world’s most famous photographers: Terry O’Neill! We have to say it was aw inspiring and truly refreshing to see images devoid of  insta filters and photoshop tweaks. In fact we realised very quickly that i’d seen many of these pictures before in magazines and on computer, but they are even more impressive printed out and hung up like art work. There is a very good reason for that of course, they are works of art.Brigitte Bardot

The exhibition showcases a lifetime of photography in the limelight, showing off some of his most iconic and rare shots of Hollywood stars from Audrey Hepburn to Rod Stewart, Brigitte Bardot to Elizabeth Taylor.

This fantastic exhibition is taking place at the trendy Little Black Gallery in Chelsea and if you’ve got a couple of grand spare you can leave with one of his amazing photos, (signed of course) or for a lot less, one of his fascinating books.

The exhibition runs until 1st March and is supported by Olympus


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