LDN Life

SWIG – A flask that’s really Hip – Review

When SWIG asked me if I would review there hip flask, I was a bit yeah okay how hard can it be? Turns out it’s harder than I thought.

When I opened the rather spiffing box20150509_190901 and looked inside my view changed, yeah it looks nice, it seemed very well made but what do you say about a hip flask that no one already knows? They’re flasks you put booze in and drink, they allow you the comfort of always knowing you’ve got your favourite tipple at hand even if the rest of the party has run out. Such situations may momentarily boost you to the most popular person in the room if you choose to share or the envy of strangers if you don’t, none of this is really worthy of note, or is it?

SWIG was set up in 2013 to produce and sell amazing Hip Flasks, so really this I needed to find out, was this flask indeed awesome? So my plan was to make it my companion when venturing to a party, filling said flask the new Bacardi Carta Fuego Rum, which a featured a while ago and really wanted to try out properly. So one month on and several parties later I finally feel I can review the flask with some authority.

I was sent a SWIG® flask complete with its own Harris Tweed Black pouch, which actually seems a bit blue black than black but I liked this and it gave the flask an extra element of class. This retails for £69 but at the time of writing is on sale for £49. From the presentation of the packaging right through to the flask itself, everything felt well-made and well thought out. My only concern was regarding the screw top, which when unscrewed was then likely to be put down and misplaced, though so far this hasn’t happened thanks in part to the weight of it.

As I passed the flask around at several of said parties there was a common theme, firstly I didn’t need to ask each person what they thought, each person handled the flask with curiosity and were very positive about the tweed pouch and the general feel. Secondly everyone also really liked Bacardi’s new rum, and many were actually surprised at how much they liked it.

The big question I did get to ask was: Would you buy one? Most said that whilst they weren’t in the market for one, if it was given to them as a gift they would be more than happy to receive one. This is even before I had chance to tell them about the private SWIG only members club that you join when you receive your SWIG flask with its own unique number.

Speaking of which, The SWIG Society offers you several perks, including a free Screw Top worth £7 (Perhaps they knew people might lose them), an invite to an annual SWIG party and much more. While admittedly I haven’t done any research on the matter, I’d be surprised if other hip flask makers also have their own special secret society. Also for those of you who do decide to buy this as a gift you can also get it engraved for a reasonable £9.50, the great thing about this is it sits under the pouch, meaning you can be as soppy as you want and only the intended should see it.

For those of you who fancy a posh flask but don’t like the idea of tweed, fear not there are many other styles to choose from, Executive (different coloured leather), Executive Magnetic, Heritage (billed as the finest SWIG flask available) and Naked, though why anyone would want a naked one is beyond me.

So after a month with the SWIG flask I’m a convert, my fears of becoming a de facto alcoholic were unfounded and it really is quite handy. Like many I spoke to I wouldn’t buy one for myself but would happily receive one as a gift and perhaps that is the idea. Though if you are in the market for one, being able to personalise it to the extent SWIG allows you is a big plus. My main concern of the Screw Top going missing has subsided somewhat, partly due to being able to get a free replacement. While becoming part of an exclusive club is always a nice to have and a good talking point if you are swigging to impress (if that is a thing).

I think what we have here is a great gift for guys, particularly dads since Father’s day is almost here. However what I would like to see is some better options for women to tailor their own as all the styles are rather manly, I’m not sure what the market is like for women wanting to buy hip flasks, but that shouldn’t stop SWIG from giving them the option.

Top tip: I’d recommend buying the Funnel at £7.50, as while it isn’t impossible to fill up without spilling, if you are in a rush to leave and realise you haven’t filled it up it could be a drink saver.

Full disclosure: I was sent the flask for free, I like a good drink but flasks have never been my thing until now and I was not paid for this review

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