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Sorry we’ve been quiet! We love you London! ❤

Here at LDN Life, we’ve been very quiet over the last few weeks because, like many of you, we’ve been in a state of shock with how fast our world has turned upside down and all the noise that’s followed. Our focus over the past 7 years has been around celebrating new bars, restaurants, gigs, festivals and experiences – but overnight, everything changed.

Our writers love London life, which is why they write about all the things that our incredible city has to offer. But they also have jobs and lives of their own. Writing about what’s going on isn’t our priority right now. So until this is all over (and we will get there) we’re going to take every day as it comes.

We continue to be amazed at the resilience and inventiveness of Londoners and local businesses. So many people are doing so much to support their local communities and each other. To celebrate this we’ve been sharing our favourite posts on Instagram on our stories in order to shout about other people’s experiences, recipes, and thoughts on how to get through these strange times.

We are also thinking of ways to get involved and do our bit to support Londoners, businesses and campaigns while trying to avoid saying the C-word as much as possible. We’ve given support to several campaigns, for which we’ll talking about more in the very near future.

Please let us know of anything positive or helpful that you think we should be sharing or get involved in, either in the comments or by tagging @ldnlife in social media posts so we can help spread the word.

Stay Safe. Be Kind. Don’t lose hope.

Lot’s of Love!

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