#BloggerSaturday at Street Feast – Dalston Yard – 24th August
If you’ve not heard of Street Feast before, then you must go to bed before 6pm at the weekends as it’s London’s very funky night market in Dalston. Street Feast is the place where thousands of people gather on Friday and Saturday nights to eat from some of London’s best street food traders. But because it’s at night you can also expect to drink from a fine selection of festival-style pint-sized cocktails, craft beer and wine. 🙂
Street Feast vBlog provided by our friends at Yo Yum Tum
But this Saturday is a little bit different, as it is the first ever Bloggers Saturday. To be honest we wish we’d thought of it.
Tweat Up and Street Feast have gathered a number of passionate, amateur cooks and restaurateurs currently blogging and tweeting about the London food scene, who they have got to know and realised that they were itching for a chance to bring their dishes to the streets. So, here they are, no longer hiding behind the relative safety of Twitter and their Blog. You could say they are ‘putting their words where your mouth is’ so to speak. So if you love finding the ‘next big thing’ or potential new street food heroes you don’t want to miss this.
Expect savoury dishes from WillYums, Yummy Choo (who we recently interviewed), Feast to the World, Mummy I Can Cook, Hackney Pantry and Pork & Salmon. Plus lots cakes and more from Mondomulia, Wendy Lee-Warne, One Little Rosebud, Barbells & Baking and The D@ily Out. But enough from us, go and check out the full line up and get yourself invloved in #BloggerSaturday
For more info about some of the Bloggers come traders, the guys at The Metro have done this rather lovely blog