LDN Life

A love letter to Poutine – The Poutinerie Review

Ah Poutine!!!! Not since I first tried maple syrup as a child, has a food export from Canada given me so much joy. I love it, I’m in love with it and if I thought it was in anyway practical, I would eat it at least once a week.


This is all about taste, however, as poutine has a ‘face’ only a mother could love or someone who knows its inner beauty (kinda like beauty and the beast) But in fairness, the world has gone a bit food beauty mad since everything was Instagrammed within an inch of its life. There’s just a simple beauty in it not trying to be something its not.

Take the cheese The Poutinerie uses. Is the cheese made using milk from the finest rare breed cows in all the land, lovingly crafted by artisan virgins in the rolling hills of Sweden? No it’s just cheese curd.

The chips that are perfectly fried to retain their crunch, even under intense lashings of delicious gravy are just chips, and the gravy is just gravy.

The only time The Poutinerie even get close to flashy is their naming of their ‘Rib Man Poutine’ which I might add is what I would recommend. This thing of beauty is finished off with a dollop of hot sauce.  At £8 some could think it is a little on the steep side, but for me, it is a price worth paying for a delicious treat.

All that is left to do is to dig in, get it in and around your mouth and let the flavour take care of the rest.

But of course, don’t take my word for it. On the last Tuesday of every month, The Poutinerie pops up at a food market in Paternoster Square by St Paul’s and every month there’s a longer queue and more of my friends join me when I go for my fill. Talk of its arrival fills our Whatsapp group, people who can’t make it are mocked with pictures of our poutine enjoyment.

Go seek out the Poutine, your FOMO is real.

The Poutinerie tours London and the best way to see where they are turning up next, is to follow The Poutinerie on Twitter or Facebook

Let us know what you think and let us know if there is another poutine pop-up or similar we should try?

The Poutinerie
  • Chips
  • Cheesecurd
  • Gravy
  • Rib Meat
  • Hot Sauce
  • Value


The poutine by The Poutinerie is a real stunner in the taste department. But if your food really must look like a piece of art, move on there's nothing to see here.

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